I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Together...Longer than Forever!!!!

Jeremy & Nikki Barber Family

Saturday, October 18, 2008

City Of Fun...

Last night we went to the City of Fun. It is a traveling carnival that frequently comes to town. They set up in the old Walmart parking lot, stay for a few days, and then leave again. They come every couple of months. In the past, I have tried to get Jerm to go with me, but he wouldn't, but now that Danilynn is old enough to have some fun there, he is all for it. All day long he kept on asking Dani if she wanted to go "ride rides". She of course, would nod her whole body (we call that the "dolphin yes"). By the time we arrived at the carnival she was saying "rih ries". She was so excited and so were we.

Here they are looking at the carnival. There was so much anticipation.


This was her first ride, and as soon as it started moving her eyes got really big and a huge smile grew on her face. She loved it.
Here she caught sight of her Papa and Nana outside the fence yelling her name. It was a couple of times around before she realized where they were and she was able to see them. She was so excited when she saw them. Her legs started bouncing up and down and she had her hands flailing all over. She was adorable.

The Slide:
This slide was so much fun. You would seriously catch air on the bumps, which was a little crazy for a 1 1/2 year old, but she loved it. She made us ride it like 8 times. The treck up the stairs was enough of a workout for me once I had done it three times. The best was when she asked Papa to take her. After the first bump he was flat on his back and screaming. It was hilarious. I would have taken a picture for all to enjoy, but the batteries had died in my camera. Not very prepared huh?
The Roller Coaster:

Jerm will never be the same after this ride. His head was bobbing around much like J.J.'s does on a daily basis. I swear he has whiplash. Dani wasn't too sure about the rollercoaster, but she didn't cry. She definately didn't say "moe" (more) when they got off.

Donald Duck Boat Ride: (with no Water)

I was a little concerned putting her on the "Donald Duck Boat Ride" She has issues with us walking away from her, but I stayed inside the fence and was there each time she came around. She is growing up so fast. I was so proud of her.

The Maze:

Also where my camera died. We had so much fun. There were bridges and rope ladders and slides. This one brought smiles to our faces.I had to snap this picture. It is a blessing to have such a wonderful husband and father. He was just as excited as Dani. It was so much fun to watch their excitement and joy grow as we walked around the park. The Merry-go-Round AGAIN:

We rode the Merri-go-Round about 6 times. It was her first ride and also her last. She dragged her Nana on this ride with her. Dani couldn't get enough.

She was reaching for her Daddy.

J.J. was all tuckered out. He hung out in Nana's arms all evening.

She would watch the "big kid" rides in amazement. She wasn't about to go on them, but she had some fun just watching them.

Say "goodbye" to the rides.


Emily said...

What a brave little girl to go on all those rides!! How old is she again?

Lisa-Marie said...

That looks like so much fun! All in the parking lot of Walmart!!!!!

I LOVE the pic of Jeremy and Dani walking hand in hand taken from the back. That needs to be framed! Precious.