Together...Longer than Forever!!!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Best Daddy...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Such an Angel!!!
It was a bit of a shock when we discovered we were was Christmas Eve. Jerm was at work and I just had this I took a test. Wouldn't you know. Jerms face was hilarious when he opened the pregnancy test that I had gift wrapped and left on the bed. "What does this mean?" he asked.... My reply was..."that our lives will never be the same and God is blessing us, once again." It was so difficult for us to conceive Danilynn that we just naturally assumed that we would continue to struggle to get pregnant. We had discussed it at length, and we both felt there was another little spirit ready to join our family. We prayed that Heavenly Father would use His wisdom in getting His spirit to us (we knew there was no doctor on the face of the earth that would put me on fertility meds again). We told him in many prayers that we would do His will, not ours and that we would accept what He had in store for us on His schedule not ours. What a blessing Little J.J. is. I can't imagine our life without him. Heavenly Father sure knows what he is doing when he is planning our families. We have been blessed beyond what we ever thought possible.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
My cuddle bugs!!!
I had a great Birthday. No sarcasm in that at all...for starters it was my 29th. I have to find something to set as a goal for my last year in my 20's. My hubby won't let me go skydiving so I have to figure something out. Anyway, We ordered Dinner in from Mimi's Cafe because I wasn't feeling up to taking two kids to a restaurant and trying to enjoy myself. I was experiencing really bad back (flank) pain and was feeling nauseous. After talking with Ann, my boss and good friend who is also a Doctor, I discovered that I had a kidney infection. I started on an antibiotic and was feeling better by Sunday, but WOW...I didn't feel good for my birthday.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Addy Came for a Visit...
That is Dani's hand...It would have been a great picture if Dani wouldn't have stuck her hand up for the camera.
We love Addy So MUCH!!! She is just like our very own little girl!!!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
J.J.'s First Shower...
My Men!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Good Times...
J.J. is a binky boy. He loves to suck and suck. It was just so cute to see him holding his binky in his mouth that I had to take the opportunity capture the image forever and share it.
Oh, so cute. He slept for hours today in his car seat. We never went anywhere, but he was so comforted by his car seat that I just left him there.
I am trying to get a good picture so we can send out and announcement, but J.J. doesn't cooperate with me.
I laid J.J. down by his daddy and I left the room, when I came back J.J. was holding Jerms finger. I am constantly amazed by the love of a father for his child. It makes me think of the love that our Father in Heaven has for us. I wonder how many times our Heavenly Mother watched as we clung to the hand of our loving Father, and how she must see the same thing now when we trust in His Love and have faith in His Plan. What a blessing it is to be loved so much by someone so perfect. I am so grateful to have the knowledge of the gospel. It sustains me.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
No Greater Love than Family...
It was so funny. She was loving on him and kissing him and he tooted and she sat up totally confused. I was laughing my guts out.
It is so great to see our little family growing and loving together. Jerm is such an incredible Daddy. We love him so much!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Jeremy Lynn Barber Jr.
Here He Is. J.J. came into the world at 5:55 am on August 7, 2008. It was a great delivery, as good as any delivery can go. I had a great nurse, Amy, and my mom-in-law. I wouldn't have made it without them and Jeremy by my side.
J.J. is 6 lbs and 3 oz. and 19 1/2 in long.
Daddy was very proud of his little man. Dani was so excited to see him. Can you believe this little smile?
Nana worked the four days before J.J. was born and then stayed up all night long with Jeremy and I. Then she took Danilynn home and had her for two days straight.
Papa's Picture. He has one of these for all of his little grandkids.
It is a good thing that these two have each other because they are both snuggle bugs. The world is always so much better when your Daddy's arms are around you.Some good love from Big Sis.Smile!!!On Friday August 8th, J.J.'s nurse noticed that he was breathing really fast. He turned really red and couldn't slow down. They had to take him back to the nursery and put him in an oxygen tent, draw his blood, take a chest x-ray and start and I.V. He stayed in the oxygen tent for about 8 hours. Those were some hard hours for me and Jerm. We couldn't hold him and I couldn't nurse him. When went to go see him the first time he was crying and upset. He calmed down as soon as he heard his daddy's voice. It was so cool to watch. I sat there with tears in my eyes and a prayer in my heart and I was comforted so much by the fact that J.J. was so visibly comforted by his Dad.
Ready to go Home. Once J.J. was released to leave the hospital, we couldn't get out of there fast enough. Daddy and Nana went shopping to get an outfit to travel home in. I love these little overalls. He was totally drowning in them, but he was so cute in them.Can you tell that we had to put his shoes on to hold his socks on? These overalls are suppose to be shorts but little J.J. is just too little. He was ready to go home and see his family.