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Together...Longer than Forever!!!!

Jeremy & Nikki Barber Family

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Sippy-Cup...

Danilynn has decided that she doesn't want to take a bottle. Not of any kind. However, she will take a sippy cup. Who would have thought that she would skip the bottle. She would rather suck on her fingers and get nothing than suck on a bottle and get fed. She really likes ice water through a straw of just out of my cup, but I thought a sippy cup would be a good investment for our future. Mostly my sainity. I don't want to be cleaning up spilled drinks cause she won't take a sippy cup.

Oh, how sweet!!!

1 comment:

Andrea Holley said...

Tate never took a bottle either. He went straight to sippy cups too - but I'm impressed that she's figured it out so soon! Very impressive.