So I have decided that I have a pretty dull life. I do the same things day in and day out. My mom called and said that I needed to add pictures to my blog and I thought, I don't have anything new because I do the same thing everyday. Then I realized that I had a bunch on pictures on my cell phone that I could add.
7/18/07-Dani is such a big girl. Look at how close she is to rolling over.
7/24/07-I went to check on Dani while she was taking her nap and this was how I found her. She is very strong and is getting really good at controlling her head movements. We ofter refer to her as bobble head because she reminds us of those old bobble head dolls. She looks like she just woke up huh?
7/24/07-I went to check on Dani while she was taking her nap and this was how I found her. She is very strong and is getting really good at controlling her head movements. We ofter refer to her as bobble head because she reminds us of those old bobble head dolls. She looks like she just woke up huh?
7/25/07-This is a very cute outfit given to her from her Uncle Charlie and Aunt Cecile Barber. The hat is a hand me down from Gia. But I loved the hat. She liked it more than she likes the big flowers.
7/27/07-Like I said before, Gia loves to play with Dani. This is the reason, in living color why I have to put one of them in the "cage". Look at Gia's blurry hand. When I got the camera to take the picture they were just sitting there, happy as can be then all of the sudden the camera comes out and the hitting begins. Oh, one day, Dani will be big enough to take Gia on, and that day is coming sooner than either of them realize. Laura, Gia's mom, and I joke about Dani keeping score, and one day getting her revenge.
7/30/07- ok, I know that I have to be one of the worst mom's in the world for doing this, but I have to tell you that it isn't all my fault. Most of the time that Dani spends with her Papa is watching t.v. and for some reason she finds it soothing. When things get a little hectic with both of the girls and I am two seconds from my breaking point, and Dani is two seconds from hers, I just put her shaky chair infront of the t.v. and she stops crying. UGHH...I so didn't want to have a t.v. bug for a baby.
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