I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Together...Longer than Forever!!!!

Jeremy & Nikki Barber Family

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Moments I Live For...

When my daughter has learned the "art" of mothering.
When my son feels comfortable and loved in the arms of his Aunts and Uncles.
Knowing the relationships of my family will last for all eternity.
Watching my child apologize and make amends when they have done something to hurt someone.
Seeing them together and knowing that they might not look it, but they really do love and care for each other.
What a blessing it is to be a Mother during the Fullness of Times and having the gospel and the scriptures available to help me with parenting. I would be so lost without my knowledge of the gospel. I am blessed to be able to teach it to my children

Saturday, September 20, 2008


These two have a very special bond. I know that every sibling has a special bond, but when Dani looks at J.J. you can tell that she knows him more than just what she has learned about him in this life. She is so adorable with him. When he is in his swing, or anywhere she can reach him, and crying she finds the pacifier he has spit out and gently (for the most part) places it back in his mouth. She wants him to be happy. Any time she hears him crying she runs to him, puts her pointer finger over her lips and shhhh's him, while rocking her little body back and forth. She knows him, and loves him. It is so pure and untarnished. She is a great example of unconditional love.
(I do realize that my daughter rarely has clothes on when I take her picture, but I limit her to only three outfits a day and she usually uses them all up by noon, so...naked it is.)

Friday, September 19, 2008


Danilynn is so beautiful. My goal is to teach her to respect and love herself and her body. She has been blessed with a healthy body and a happy spirit. I will teach her to appreciate and be aware of the blessing and responsibility of having a physical body. I want her to feel comfortable dancing around in her underwear like she does now, for the rest of her life(in the privacy of her home). :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Joys of Potty Training....

Dani learns from her Daddy and her Mommy. She likes to read while she is sitting on the potty.
This isn't from either one of us I promise....I was bathing J.J., and I turned around and she had readjusted her seating arrangement.

Do you like the sensor?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Silly Bug...

Danilynn is always doing things to make us laugh, but it is always more hillarious when she doesn't even know what she is doing. I love the picture with the blanket over her head!!! Look at that cute foot sticking out of the blanket. Then there is the ever famous, "Is there something on my face?" picture. She is such a blessing to our family!!! We love you Love Bug!!!

What She Does Best...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Scrapblog.com take one...

My Friend, Tessa, showed me this cool website, it is called scrapblog.com. I love it. I hope you can read it and see the pictures.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jerm and I were married 3 years ago. It is so hard to believe. Some days it feels like we have never been apart, and others it feels like we have only been together a short time. There is great comfort in knowing we will always be together forever. We have a very interesting story for our posterity. Jerm and I met in the singles ward in Payson, Utah. We hung out in the same group of friends. Jerm and I really didn't know each other that well. We were always at the same place with our friends, but me being myself, tried to set Jerm up with some of the other girls in the ward. (STUPID, STUPID ME!!!) Anyway, my friends, Heather and Kelly, came and picked me up one Friday night. They told me we were going to Jerm and Neto's house. I said, "OK whatever". I had never been there before, and I really wanted to see their house. Well, Jerms parents were up from Arizona, they were cleaning out the adjoining property (the shop), preparing to open it for business. Jerm was walking us through the backyard to show us the inside of the shop and he yells to his mom, "Meet the girls." and She yells back, "Hello Daughters." Right then I knew that she would be my mother in law. That scared the poopers out of me. I was in the mind frame of being single forever and I really didn't know Jerm. I don't remember much of what happened that night. The next day, Jason and Jerry, Jerm's brother and dad, came into Bon Lossee (beauty school) to get their hair cut. I was booked so I told them that I would come over to the house after school and cut their hair there. Which turned out well. I convinced Jerry to grow a goatee. He hadn't shaved in days (Now I know that is very unlike Jerry, who I know now shaves 3 times a day.) I took off because all of Jason's in laws were coming over to the house to watch fireworks for the 4th of July. Jerm invited me, but I felt weird with it just being family there. The next day in Sacrament Meeting Jerm sat next to me for the first time. We haven't been to a Sacrament Meeting since where we haven't sat together. He held my hand that night at Ward Prayer. We were holding hands during "movie night". It was hilarious. Kelly noticed we were holding hands and that Jerm had his arm around me. She text Heather and asked her if she knew what was going on. All of the sudden every one's phone in the room was ringing. They were all texting each other trying to find out who know what. We were laughing. We love our friends.
We had our first Kiss that night after "movie night". We stayed up all night. Three days later Jerm proposed. We weren't officially engaged until July 14th, (I think) We were married in the Salt Lake Temple on September 9, 2005.

We have walked side by side ever since.

We are so much more in love today than we were 3 years ago.

Can you see the face in the clouds? Who do you think was watching our wedding from "above"?

The Walker Family:
top: Joie Kaye, Jordan, Jon holding Whitney, Brittany, Jenna, Erika holding Justin
bottom: Dad, Mom, Me, Jerm, Anna (Jerrod and Erikas), Kiaya (Jon and Brittany)
not photographed: my brother Jerrod who was Serving our Country in Iraq.

The Barber Family:
top: Jason and Cami
bottom: Brent (who I would photoshop out if I could and replace him with Suzie's hubby Ernest.) Me, Jerm, Cathy, and Jerry
Grandma Hale, my moms mom. The only living grandparent for both of us.
Mostly everyone who was in the sealing room. A lot of my Aunts and Uncles had to get back to work.
Now, three years later, we have been so blessed with our children. Heavenly Father has definitely "opened up the windows of heaven and poured his blessings down upon us." (Hopefully we will always have room enough to receive who he sends us.)

Danilynn Rose, born April 10, 2007

Jeremy Lynn Jr born August 7, 2008

We Will Always Be Together Forever!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


First of all I have to say, I just figured out why my pictures are blurry!!! It is the same reason my glases are always blurry...little tiny finger prints where they don't belong. So, I am so very sorry that I have blurry pictures, and I am even more sorry if you get a headache trying to look at them.

My SWEET Sissy, Joie Kaye, came to visit me for three weeks. We did all sorts of fun things like clean out cupboards, organize pantry's and make banana bread. YUMMY!!!! We miss you Joie, and we hope that you will be coming back to us!!!! SOON!!!!!
Sorry for the Blur~ My Buddy Cameron was here for the visit!!! We love Cam and can never get enough of him. We hope that he comes to stay with us again soon. Dani loves her little buddy. It gives her someone else to chase down and play with other than Papa.
Jerm asked me why our kid never has cloths on in these pictures. The answer I am not sure of. I think it might have something to do with me just pushing out another kid and trying to get my bareings straight with a whole other person in the mix. But it also might have something to do with the fact that Dani can go through 3 outfits a day, and after her third, I just let her run naked. Lazy, I know, but laundry is pileing up and I only have so much time to chase her down to dress her.
Such good LoVe!!! Can you tell how much Cameron loves her LOVES!!!
We love you guys!!! It is always so much fun to have you here. Cami is my drinking buddy!!! There isn't enough Diet Coke in the world when we are together. Miss you!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

MyStErY MaNoR...

A couple of months ago, Jerm had this idea...He wanted to host a murder mystery party. We talked with some friends and checked out some "story lines" on the internet. We finally found one that we liked and Jerm's creativity took off at full speed. I forget how creative he is until we do something just like this. We sent out invitations to our some of our friends from our ward and family members too. We sent them their character background and other info. They received some "money" and were told to blackmail and buy any information that might lead to them figuring out who the murderer was. We had the best time!!! Everyone enjoyed themselves and we are still hearing from everyone about how much fun they had.

Sarah & Matt Mortensen "Jasmine Rochester the widow" & "Fabio Fabulous the Pool Boy"

Sean and Vonnie Surrit "Jean Thoughtful the family therapist" and "Jessica Rochester the ex-wife and business partner"

Jerm "Reilly Ravish the victims lawyer"
Suzie "Elizabeth Rochester the younger daughter of the victim"
Cathy "Allison Rochester older daughter of the victim"
Also voted Best Actress
Cami was so great, she played two roles because her original character "Josephine Worthers the maid" was murdered at the party. We had all of her gear ready for her to take on the role of "Officer Walsh" there to investigate both murders.
Ernest Cook (Suzies hubby) "(Can't remember the characters name)son of the Worthers the Chauffer"
The two daughers of the late "Rick Rochester" both dated and had a relationship with the Chauffer.
Cami (Jason's wife ) "Officer Welsh the dirty cop" She actually stole money from the other characters.

Jerry "Bob Bucks the victims accountant" Also voted Best Dressed. Yes, that is a $100 bill collar and his hat and outfit had $$$$ all over it. It was great!!! The curly mustache was my favorite. (Cathy drew that on with some eye liner.)

Jason "Geoffery Worthers the butler"

We had a chocolate fountain and finger sandwiches. We had so much fun!!!!

We can't wait to do it again.