I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

Together...Longer than Forever!!!!

Jeremy & Nikki Barber Family

Friday, July 23, 2010

Jerm's Owie...

For those who didn't know, the morning Jenna passed away, was my first day at my new job. About 45 minutes before my lunch hour, I get a text: "do you think you can come home early for lunch?" So...I give Jerm a call trying to get information out of him. Why do I need to come home? What is going on? All he would tell me was, "I think I need to go to the emergency room. Will you just come home?" So I jump into the car, and I get home, and Jerm has a towel wrapped around his hand. SCARY!!! I give Erika a call, and she said, "bring over you kids". So the kids had their first experience being watched by Erika. After convincing J.J. that crying was not helping, she said that he did okay. So...back to Jerms finger. He was mowing the lawn, and something got stuck in the blade, so he turned off the lawn mower, and lifted up the flap to remove whatever was stuck, and when the unwanted object was removed, the blade had one final spin to rotate, and it literally hit his finger so hard it blew the top off. He wasn't cut by the blade, just the pressure from it's impact exploded the fingertip. So, stitches were needed. While we were in Idaho, Jerm decided to remove his stitches, and just glue his owie back together. If we were smart, we would have glued it to begin with.
Lesson Learned!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

O.K....Thank Goodness for the Sturdy Cabinetry of the 1950's

Jerm and I were running all over the house getting things together to get out the door and start our drive up to Idaho for Jenn's funeral. The kids, (insert clearing throat sound) were kindof left unattended. All parents understand how that can happen. Anyway, J.J. decided he needed a drink, so he opened the sippy cup drawer, and hopped in. He, of course, took his blankie with him. Kids crack me up. I am grateful for his determination to get himself a drink while mom and dad were going crazy. Self preservation is a good quality for our kids.
Children are a Blessing.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jenna Lee Returned to Her Heavenly Father...

Jenna Lee Walker
August 23, 1985 - July 14, 2010

Jenna returned home to her Heavenly Father Wednesday, July 14th at 9:36 pm. After her four year battle with Ewing's Sarcoma, a connective tissue cancer, she was finally released from her earthy body.

We are grateful for all of the prayers that have been said on Jenna's behalf, and we are grateful for the prayers that are being said for our family and those who love her. We are feeling the comforting powers of the Spirit and are so grateful for The Loving Plan of Our Father in Heaven that will allow us to dwell with her and Our Heavenly Father again.

We Love You, Jenna Lee, and we are grateful that your trials of this life are over and you are no longer suffering. Please watch over us, and visit us when we are in need of your love.
We will miss you!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kiaya's Baptism...Yeah Kiaya!!!

One of the blessings of our move has been the opportunity to be to the family gatherings like baptisms. Our sweet, beautiful, wonderful, happy Kiaya (my little brother, Jon's, daughter) chose to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are so proud of you!!! Kiaya, you are a blessing to the Walker Family. We are grateful for your presence in our family, and we love you!!! Thank You for setting an example for all of your cousins to follow! Remember to be faithful, truthful, and prayerful. Congrats Kiaya!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What the?

I searched for this sippy cup. Judge if you want, but I put J.J. to sleep with a sippy cup still. Just with water, but it has to be one of these playtex cups because they don't leak. They are wonderful!! Anyway, I couldn't find it anywhere. I almost called out a search party. In my frustration, I saw some dishes that needed to be loaded, so I opened up the dishwasher and I FOUND the much needed sippy cup. This is just one of the many things that Heavenly Father has helped me with. If you seek, you will find. And, yes, a non-leaking sippy cup is something I pray to find. Every normal mom does.

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of JULY!!!!

All I can say about the 4th of July, is...
We had a blast! Jerm and Joie put on a good show. Both Jerm and I had to work the 4th, so our fireworks show was on the 5th, but hey, kids got to see fireworks. Who can complain?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Makes a Momma Proud!!!

Truly, is there anything more wonderful than a child that listens and is willing to help? I love my little Danilynn!!!! She is such an incredible little girl. She is always so willing to help, and I can always see in her eyes her desire to make us proud and to do the things that make us, as parents, happy. Last week when I picked her and J.J. up from Nursery, I was told that she is such a little mommy. She was always by J.J. making sure he was okay. Someday, I hope that she can learn that having fun is important too, and that part of life is making yourself happy. Not just the people around her. She is amazing!
Smile Bug!!!!