After a very difficult decision Jeremy and I decided that it was time to return to Utah. I was told from my boss that she didn't need me anymore, and Jeremy had cut back on his hours to go to school, so we decided that now was the perfect time to relocate our family back to our home in Payson, Utah. We knew that there would be a lot of work that needed to happen so that we would be comfortable in that very old house. So we started our "remodeling" in the kids rooms. The exterior walls in those rooms are made of cinder block and plaster, so we had to build a false wall to insulate it. We had help from Jason, Jerm's brother to frame those walls. But FIRST....
We had to remove the wall paper. Our little wall paper removers, Danilynn and Jason's son Cameron did a fantastic job. In the time that it took me to go to Walmart and purchase some primer and other supplies they had removed the wall paper in both rooms. They were fabulous!!!
We haven't had renters in the house since January, so it the yard was in desperate need of a good mowing. And other yard work, but we will get to that this summer. It took Jerm an hour and a half to get this much of the "grass" mowed. The grass is a mixture of weeds, and grass, and other green growing things.
Because the walls were concrete, we had to prime around the windows where condensation had creeped under the fabulous wall paper and created some mold. Yeah for bleach and primer!!!
Keeping the kids entertained in an empty house was a bit difficult, but they managed to stay out of trouble. We had our little DVD player, and by the end of our adventures the kids had seen way too many Mickey Mouse Club House episodes.
I had to prove that I did help with some of the framing. Like I said before, Jerm and Jason did most of the work. I was able to get out some frustration by pounding in some nails.
Jerm pounding some nails, anchoring in the pseudo-wall.
I put in all the insulation with a little bit of help from Jerm, he also had the job of keeping the kids away from the fiberglass. Not fun!!! But we all survived.
We also took time to smell the Roses! Dani picked every dandilion in the yard, plus every tulip and any other flower that was growing. it was terrific. She had to send a picture to Nana and Grandma to show them the flowers. I love her little smile! She would also fill her little tulips with the sawdust from all the cut wood. That was the funniest part of the day. Erika and I would crack up every time we saw her bent over a pile of sawdust.
I didn't take a before picture of the bathroom, but the three layers of wall paper were great fun to remove. Special Thanks to sister-in-law, Erika for picking the paint color for the bathroom, and painting it!!! I LOVE IT!!!
The front yard...we found wasp nest in the grass...anyone have any ideas on how to deal with wasps in the ground?
J.J.'s room finished. We wished that we would have listened to Erika when she encouraged us to go a darker color, but it is a great color and J.J. likes it. We need to finish the moulding and hang some curtains, but it will be great!!!
Dani's room, she picked this incredibly bright pink. I decided we should tame it down a bit, but it was still really bright, and the color makes her carpet look pink. But it is adorable, and she keeps on telling us how excited she is to move to the house with her pink room.
We will be moving on June 4th. We are so excited!!!