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Together...Longer than Forever!!!!

Jeremy & Nikki Barber Family

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Our Christmas Decorations...

I don't know if any of you truely know my husband, but...this is all his doing. I am not big with the whole decorate so you can see it from space thing, but Jerm is. He really wanted to go bigger and brighter than this, but if I ran the dryer at night it would blow the circut and half of the house would be without power, so I had to draw the line somewhere. We would have people driving by and checking to see if we had added anything new since the last time they checked. It was beautiful, but I felt like I was married to Clark Griswald from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.

1 comment:

Andrea Holley said...

Clark Griswald - that's hilarious!